Head & Taillight Tetra

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Best known for its coppery spots that look like taillights, the head and tail light tetra hails from freshwater rivers and streams in South America. A peaceful schooling fish, this tetra species does not need a large tank (min size 60 litres). It does, however, need plenty of open swimming space and subdued mood lighting to keep it content.  Easy to care for and small size (5 cm) makes this a great fish for beginners.

The Head and Tail Light Tetra (Hemigrammus ocellifer) originates in South America, where it can be found in numerous locations along the Amazon River and in the Orinoco river basin, as well as along the coast of Guyana.  The scientific name comes from the Greek Hemigrammus meaning “half-line,” which refers to an incomplete lateral line, and ocellifer, which means “eye bearing,” a reference to the reflective spots or “eyes” on the head and tail of the fish.


One of the best tetras for the ‘general’ community setup. It is lively, quite colourful and peaceful. A peaceful schooling fish, this tetra species does not need a large tank. It does, however, need plenty of open swimming space and subdued mood lighting to keep it content.

Tank Conditions

Floating or tall plants that reach the top of the tank provide shade and are particularly desirable, as this fish prefers shady spots.

Use river sand or a darker substrate, which will add to the subdued décor. Add a few driftwood branches and twisted roots. A few handfuls of dried leaves (beech or oak leaves are suitable) would complete the natural feel. Allow the wood and leaves to stain the water the color of weak tea. Remove the old leaves and replacing them every few weeks so they don’t rot and foul the water.

Add a small net bag filled with aquarium-safe peat to the filter to aid in the simulation of black water conditions. Leave some open swimming space in the middle to complete the ideal tank arrangement.  Or you can use these soft water conditioner products to mimic the black water conditions of the Rio Negro.


Head and tail light tetras do best in schools of a half dozen or more and can be kept with other peaceful fish, particularly other members of the tetra family. Barbs, danios, rasboras, and other small to medium-sized peaceful fish are also good companions. Small loaches, catfish, dwarf cichlids, and the smaller gouramis are also suitable.

To avoid are fish that are large enough to eat tetras. Also note that head and tail light tetras may nip at the fins of slow-moving, long-finned species such as angelfish and bettas.


Omnivorous in nature, the head and tail light tetra will eat most foods, but it will not nibble on live plants. Provide a good variety of flake foods along with freeze-dried, and frozen foods, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small insects. They will eat fine pelleted food as well. Only live foods should be used when conditioning before breeding.


Dropsy and Ich are a couple of common diseases. Dropsy is a fluid build-up causing the body to swell. Fish with Ich will develop white spots all over their body.

It’s important to know how to clean a tank properly because poor water quality helps the disease spread through the water. Give your tank a clean and see if there is any improvement.

Poor nutrition can also contribute to these problems. If your tetras aren’t getting everything they need from their diet they will be more susceptible to disease. Switching up their diet is a great way to ensure they are getting all the nutrients they need.

See Fish Disease Diagnosis and Treatment at Rebel Pets for help with diagnosing and treating diseases.

Category Rating
Adult Size:  5 cm
Aquarist Experience Level: Beginner
Minimum Tank Size: 60 litres, +20 litres/add. fish
Temperament: Peaceful, schooling fish
Tank Level: Mid dweller
Diet: Omnivore, eats most foods
Aquarium Hardiness: Hardy
Lifespan: 5 Years
Water Flow: Moderate
Temperature: 22 to 26°C
pH: 6 – 8
Hardness: 5 to 19 dGH (soft)

Shipping Countries: South Africa

Shipping States: Gauteng (South Africa)

Specification: Head & Taillight Tetra


Weight 0.25 kg

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